New Credit Rules May Be Coming
From Clark Howard - an update on credit card proposals on the horizon:
Labels: Credit Cards
This Blog is a parallel site to our web site It contains notes, observations, thoughts and links.
From Clark Howard - an update on credit card proposals on the horizon:
Labels: Credit Cards
Completed the following trades:
Labels: Completed Transactions
Vanguard Industrials ETF (VIS) and Vanguard Material ETF (VAW) will be purchased after 11:00 am Central 5/16/08 and before 5/24/08 for a Dutemple family account.
Labels: pending transactions
Vanguard Energy ETF (VDE) to be purchased after 10:00 Central Friday May 16 and before May 24 for Dutemple family account.
Labels: pending transactions
I've written before on Dave Ramsey's radio program. Well that and other financial programs are available though Apple's iTunes. The podcasts are free but you'll need the iTunes software (also free) and a highspeed data connection. Right now I'm listening to:
Brian Preston (aka The Money Guy):
Andrew Horowitz (aka The Disciplined Investor):
Far more high profile guest interviews. Leans a little to the technical analysis
side for my tastes.