Compton Advisors, LLC

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Friday, May 27, 2016

Our Blog Is Moving

Effective June 1, 2016, the Compton Advisors, LLC blog is moving to our website, Just click on OUR BLOG from any navigation window.

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Advisors' Roundup - May 27, 2016

Crossing my desk this week:

The best article I've read on college funding and timing:
Nerd's Eye View

The Pain Gap:
Motley Fool

Save more, dammit!
The Irrelevant Investor

Compton Advisors, LLC is a Registered Investment Adviser (RIA) firm regulated by the Securities Division of the Missouri Secretary of State office. Compton Advisors, LLC does not render personalized financial, investment, legal, or tax advice through this blog. This information is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial, investment, legal, or tax advice. This information has not been approved or verified by any governmental authority.


Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The Real Cost of Long-Term Care

Most families have to address the issue of long-term care (LTC), whether you're in or near retirement or whether you or your spouse are expected to care for, contribute to, or oversee your parents' care. If you are making decisions about savings or insurance for your or a family member's long -term care, it's best if you know all the costs.

What is LTC?

Long-term care is a continuum of medical and social support services designed to support the needs of people living with chronic health problems that affect their ability to perform everyday activities.

For the purposes of this article, we won't be focusing on the direct medical costs, but rather the direct costs of support services, in-home and institutional, and more importantly, the indirect costs to family and other caregivers.

How prevalent is the need for LTC?

The need for LTC is usually arises from an inability of an individual to perform one or more activities of daily life or ADLs. These could include bathing, feeding oneself, dressing, etc. The individual may also need help with less fundamental, but more complex tasks such as cooking, cleaning, shopping, or managing their medications or finances. These are known as IADLs or instrumental activities of daily life. This need can arise through illness, accident, or merely frailty

The Congressional Budget Office estimated that 45% of 65-year olds will eventually need some form of nursing home care and LTC care needs arise at much lower levels than a full-on nursing home stay. 65-year old women have a life expectancy of roughly 19.5 years. Of that, they are expected to spend nearly six of those years with some form of disability. Men are expected to spend three years out of their 15 year, 4 months on average with some sort of disability.

Who provides the care?

Overwhelmingly, LTC is provided by family and friends.

A 2008 study found that a quarter of adult children provide some form of personal or financial care for their aging parents. A more recent MetLife study estimated the aggregate lifetime cost in the U.S. for this help is almost $3 trillion. This includes:
  • Direct payment for care
  • Lost wages from reduced hours
  • Lost career opportunities for the caregiver
  • Lost pension and Social Security benefits due to reduced lifetime earnings
This, of course, ignores the intangible costs including loss of free time, strain on other relationships, and caregiver stress.

Estimates are that the average family caregiver spends over $5,500 per year in out-of-pocket expenses and loses over $300,000 lifetime in wages & benefits as noted above.

The costs fall on employers as well with billions being lost due to caregiver absenteeism and presenteeism, unpaid leave, and other work interruptions.

Paid LTC

Nearly, two-thirds of paid LTC comes from Medicaid. Unfortunately, Medicaid pays only after an individual has spent down their assets to a bare minimum. That amount varies by state, but Missouri's limit of $1,000 is typical.

Roughly 15% of paid care comes out-of-pocket, either in its entirety or, just as likely, as part of the Medicaid spend-down. These funds are often in tax-deferred savings on which taxes must be paid as they are spent. If there is a remaining spouse, they often have insufficient funds left to finance their retirement or LTC needs.

Few are covered under LTC insurance. Less than 10% of all paid LTC costs come from LTC insurance. In recent years, many have lapsed their LTC policies in the face of large premium increases. Older policies suffered from inadequate premiums that led to unexpected increases or, in extreme cases, insurers exiting the market. In addition, LTC policies can be quite expensive - not surprising as roughly half of policy-holders file a claim at some point in their lives. I've written elsewhere about what to look for in an LTC policy, but key to coverage is applying for it while your health is still good enough to qualify.

Even rarer still is the use of continuing-care retirement communities (CCRC), CCRCs are integrated care communities that one can live in as they transition from independent senior living to assisted living to nursing care. LTC is essentially pre-funded. CCRCs are generally limited to the more wealthy and the healthy (there is an application/qualification process).

Direct Costs

According to the 2012 Genworth Cost of Care Survey, the average cost of a private nursing home room is $240/day, though there is a wide variance by location. Assisted living rates averaged $3,500/mo. Home care services came in at $19/hr for homemaker services and higher for home health aides. The average nursing home stay is 2.4 years.

Needless to say, any need for LTC will cut into all but the largest of nest eggs.

Putting it all together

In preparing your financial plan, a lot of questions need to be addressed:
  • How am I going to plan for my LTC?
  • What are the current and expected (all-in) costs of:
    • Long-term Care
    • LTC Insurance
  • Do I have enough assets that I can self-insure?
    • Even in the most extreme case?
  • Am I going to be responsible for my parents' (or anyone else's) LTC? And if so:
    • Will it be in the form of financial contribution or direct care giving?
    • Am I temperamentally suited to be a care giver?
    • Have I factored in the hidden costs addressed above?
    • Will it make more sense for me to buy them LTC insurance or fund a CCRC?
    • Will I have any help from other family members?
    • What are their limitations (fiscal, time, temperament)?
    • How will this impact the extended family (spouses, children, etc.)?
    • How does this impact pre-death giving or post-death bequests (e.g. "I took care of Mom, so she left me the house")?
Like so many things that involve money, it's not just about money. Planning for roles, responsibilities, and relationships are just as important as planning the finances.

Note: Many of the ideas and all of the statistics in this article come from a Society of Actuaries monograph that can be found at


Friday, May 20, 2016

Advisors' Roundup - May 20, 2016

What I'm reading this week:

Older adults most vulnerable to finance ads:

The Onion speaks Truth:
The Onion

Why older adults need financial advisors:
University of Missouri Trulaske College of Business

Compton Advisors, LLC is a Registered Investment Adviser (RIA) firm regulated by the Securities Division of the Missouri Secretary of State office. Compton Advisors, LLC does not render personalized financial, investment, legal, or tax advice through this blog. This information is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial, investment, legal, or tax advice. This information has not been approved or verified by any governmental authority.


Monday, May 16, 2016

What's In Your Homeowner's Policy?

For many, our houses are one of our largest assets. Making sure you have the right amount and the right kind of insurance is vital. But as Joni Mitchell put it, many of us 'don't know what we've got till it's gone.' In this case, until our homes and/or possessions are gone, casualties of fire, hurricane, or theft. Around one-half of homeowners don't know what their policies cover. The time to figure out your coverage is before you need to file a claim, not after.

What's covered?

Typically, your house and separate structures (garage, shed, etc.) are covered for damage and loss. Most, but not all (see below), personal property is covered, including for theft.

Loss of use: You need a place to stay while your home is rebuilt or repaired, right? The typical policy is going to cover that.

What's not covered?

If you have 'Open Perils' coverage, your policy will list the causes of loss that are excluded. They typically exclude earthquake and flood. These coverages, in particular, can be picked up through riders or separate policies. If you have 'Named Perils' coverage, only those causes named are covered. All others are excluded.

On the personal property side, specific items may be excluded in addition to causes. Typically, cash money, jewelry, and firearms are limited or excluded from coverage. Professional musicians and photographers often find coverage on their instruments and equipment excluded as well. Again, riders or stand-alone policies are available to fill the gap at an extra cost.

Types of coverage

Replacement Cost Coverage: As you might guess, this pays for replacement of the damage with new construction. For example: if your 15-year old garage is destroyed by fire, replacement cost coverage pays for a brand new replacement garage. Often homeowners complain that their insurer requires coverage limits in excess of the market value of their property. This is because they've determined the cost to rebuild 'sticks-up' is more than the home is worth on the open market. Most insurers require the property to be insured to at least 80% of replacement value.

We push our clients to have Replacement Cost Coverage.

Actual Cash Value: This is replacement cost less a deduction for depreciation. To continue our example above, rather than pay for a new garage, actual cash value pays for a 15-year old garage. The problem is, you can't build a 15-year old garage so the insured has to pay the difference. The name is a little misleading: Estimated depreciated value is really what you get paid.

Functional Replacement or Market Value: Repairs are made using modern methods and materials - think drywall where the damaged wall was plaster. In the case of a total loss, only the market value of the structure (and contents if applicable) is paid out. Remember, part of your home's value is the land and that will not be paid unless it is unusable.

Stated Value: Selected by the insured, this is the maximum dollar value that will be paid by the insurer even if the loss is larger.

Even more limits on coverage

Outbuildings, detached garages, etc.: these are typically covered for 10% of the coverage on the home.

Personal belongings: usually limited to 50%-70% of the coverage on the structure. If stored off-premise, this limit typically drops to 10%

Wear and tear is not covered nor, typically, is termite damage, mold, sewer back-up, sinkholes, nuclear damage, or acts of terrorism. Trees and shrubs are usually covered, though not for disease or wind damage. They are usually capped at a low dollar amount.


If you have your emergency fund in place, you should raise your deductible as high as you can within the limits of your emergency fund. Insurance works best when it's used for infrequent, catastrophic events - not small, frequent losses. This is for two reasons:
  1.  Cost. Insurers are in the business to make money. Even mutual insurers have overhead and risk margins to worry about. Higher deductibles mean lower premiums.
  2. Use it and lose it. Some insurers refuse to renew customers who file too many (or any) small claims and the black mark against you may make it hard to get coverage from other carriers as well. Even if you do renew, you may find your rates have risen substantially. Unfair? Yes, but rather than pay for coverage you're afraid to use, raise your deductible and save your claims for when they really count.
Read your policy

I've used a lot of weasel-words like 'typically' and 'usually' in here, but the only way to know for sure is to read your policy. The last thing you want after a disaster is to add insult to injury and find out you're not covered.

(For free online home inventory software, visit

Compton Advisors, LLC is a Registered Investment Adviser (RIA) firm regulated by the Securities Division of the Missouri Secretary of State office. Compton Advisors, LLC does not render personalized financial, investment, legal, or tax advice through this blog. This information is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial, investment, legal, or tax advice. This information has not been approved or verified by any governmental authority.


Friday, May 13, 2016

Advisors' Roundup - May 13, 2016

What's on my radar this week:

A starter's guide to risk management:
Financial Ducks In A Row

So you were wondering why college costs so much?
Associated Press

Guess what predicts mutual fund success?

Compton Advisors, LLC is a Registered Investment Adviser (RIA) firm regulated by the Securities Division of the Missouri Secretary of State office. Compton Advisors, LLC does not render personalized financial, investment, legal, or tax advice through this blog. This information is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial, investment, legal, or tax advice. This information has not been approved or verified by any governmental authority.


Friday, May 06, 2016

Advisors' Roundup - May 6, 2016

What's grabbed my attention this week:

Why are we still arguing about this?
A Wealth of Common Sense

Work longer, save more. No wonder Millennials are pissed:

Maybe too much feedback:
Bason Asset Management

If you're a Missouri resident and would like help with your planning, please visit us at:

Compton Advisors, LLC is a Registered Investment Adviser (RIA) firm regulated by the Securities Division of the Missouri Secretary of State office. Compton Advisors, LLC does not render personalized financial, investment, legal, or tax advice through this blog. This information is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial, investment, legal, or tax advice. This information has not been approved or verified by any governmental authority.


Thursday, May 05, 2016

Completed Trade

John Dutemple sold, for a family trust account, 600 shares of Vanguard Consumer Staples Index Fund ETF (VDC) with a limit order.


Tuesday, May 03, 2016

Proposed Trade

John Dutemple will sell, for a family trust account, Vanguard Consumer Staples ETF (VDC) after market open Thursday, May 5, 2016.
